Post by ringmasterrob on Oct 29, 2003 10:33:14 GMT -5
Settle down all, I trust all those who attended first class have their essays. Now this lesson we will be discussing teleportation. You will only touch on this in the art of spellcasting and only slightly more on the offensive magic class. For it is a clever spell which can be coupled with spells such as "firewall". However you must first learn the basic technique which I will give you once your are registered
Post by Snowwiewolf on Oct 29, 2003 10:41:23 GMT -5
Sorry that i missed the first class, but I'm here now
Post by ringmasterrob on Oct 29, 2003 10:44:53 GMT -5
no problems but be sure to copy up from somebody
Post by Snowwiewolf on Oct 29, 2003 10:46:00 GMT -5
I'll do that ;D
Post by ringmasterrob on Oct 29, 2003 10:51:25 GMT -5
good good now anyone else here. I will start the lesson when Dennis, Green Dragon and Halla arrive. Or when we have 3 students
Post by Malefact on Oct 29, 2003 12:08:09 GMT -5
Teleportation! Goody! As I say, I'm a bit rusty on this so I think I'll sit in on this one, too.
Post by ringmasterrob on Oct 29, 2003 12:23:58 GMT -5
sure, we have 2 students here at the moment so when someone else arrives we will start
Post by ringmasterrob on Dec 9, 2003 10:20:30 GMT -5
Right, sorry for the delay. Teleportation my be instant but preparing a lesson on it is not Malefact will be sitting in here as he is a bit rusty on it but if things get out of hand he will help me sort it out. Right, we had better get started. Teleportation spells are cast in a variety of ways. The slower way or 'casual' teleportation is the safest and easiest, this is cast in the tradition spelling out. Observe, I wish to teleport forward 5 feet *Spellcasting "T-E-L-E-P-O-R-T", he appears at the back of the class* As you can see this is very safe and if someone would use a tape mesure you would see it is accurate. If anyone can not do that then go back to a more basic class first! The second version is slightly more complex, due to this there is a slight chance of it going wrong. This involves a very precise hand gesture. Firstly clasp your hands together with you wand/staff in between them. Then specify where you wish to go EXACTLY and then place your palms outwards and thrust them forwards, like so. I wish to teleport to the empty seat on row four and the fourt seat back in classroom 14a of the KM Boarding School *Does movement and he appears in the seat* As you can see simple enough? You may have figured out why we need to use a more complex version now. The simple one can only teleport us to geometrical locations, e.g 5 feet forwards. The more complex one is far more accurate with a slight risk of failure. Now as Malefact demonstrated in the Firewall lesson then we can couple teleportation with other spells such as making a firewall in front of us and teleporting in front of it using only one spell. This is difficult and requires a good knowledge of both teleport and the other spell. So note this down, as you know there is not enough room here to teleport around without hurting ourselves so we will be using a simulator room. I must make it clear that doing the more complex version incorrectly can have two consequences; 1) You are teleported to the slightly wrong place, e.g a friend of mine ended up at the border of a village and not the tavern by mistake 2) Getting it VERY wrong such as wrong hand gestures or poor concentration means the energy for the spell will discharge into you and give you a headache in the simulator I will explain the ettiquet for teleporting, the simulator assignment will be up soon ;D
Post by Malefact on Dec 10, 2003 11:33:51 GMT -5
Hmm, I'd forgotten how fiddly it could be. I'm dreading having to relearn how to mentally specify a destination (it's far faster than verbally specifying one, for which there may be no time in an emergency).
Post by ringmasterrob on Dec 10, 2003 11:50:48 GMT -5
Mentally spelling it out is much more difficult, in the simulator room i will allow those who master verbally to have a go. However any mistakes could leave you in the completely wrong place, a friend of mine ended up in the hands of a farmer rather than the tavern The Farmer's Arms by a slighty mistake. ;D
Post by Snowwiewolf on Dec 10, 2003 12:03:07 GMT -5
er... the last time I tried teleportation I transported the whole class to another dimension... so dont be surprised if something goes wrong...
Post by ringmasterrob on Dec 10, 2003 12:43:16 GMT -5
Ah yes, I was warned of your 'misadventures' with teleportation so I cast a little spell in the simulator room to prevent any accidents.
Post by Snowwiewolf on Dec 10, 2003 13:06:20 GMT -5
"Good ;D I found most of my friends with the help of my 'misadventures' , but I also met my gratest enemy that way.... bad thing is that I cant remember wha her name was or what she looked like..."
Post by ringmasterrob on Dec 10, 2003 13:32:45 GMT -5
Well anyway, when you have noted that down come and join me in the simulator room for the practical section of the lesson!