Post by ringmasterrob on Jan 1, 2004 16:20:57 GMT -5
Normally I try not to get too concerned with absences but this week I posted a topic which concerned my character being sent an explosive package which has blown up and damaged the school. The topic is in Advanced Magic named Unwanted Gift/Explosive Situation and was the most recent topic for a few days but no one has noticed. The bomb is supposed to have caused severe damage and I am surprised no one has been on or posted in it to find out what happened. Are people still posting her or has everyone left here for the Knightmare Roleplay forum?
Post by Snowwiewolf on Jan 2, 2004 10:30:16 GMT -5
I'm here
Post by PhoenixFlame on Jan 2, 2004 14:59:36 GMT -5
Well, my excuse is that I haven't been online for awhile! But someone sent you a bomb?! And they damaged the school?! When I get my hands on them... BTW, Ringmaster, are you OK?
Post by ringmasterrob on Jan 5, 2004 15:41:09 GMT -5
Ah ah ah, read the topic and post in there this is off topic forum is it not? The topic is in advanced magic.
Post by PhoenixFlame on Jan 7, 2004 14:06:43 GMT -5
Teacher of Offensive Magic and Housemaster of Nettle-Rose
Posts: 85
Post by Thanatos on Jan 7, 2004 16:18:32 GMT -5
I remain. I know I don't post as often as I should. Sorry.
Post by PhoenixFlame on Jan 7, 2004 16:21:51 GMT -5
Don't worry, we all have times we don't come on to the boards. *hugs*
Post by ringmasterrob on Jan 16, 2004 16:25:16 GMT -5
It's good to hear we still have a good level of support from you guys, I know that plotlines have become more user set then previously and a lot of this boards traffic has gone to the Surrounds forum but I do hope we can keep this one alive also. ;D
Official jester and entertainer! Learning the art of magic!
Posts: 71
Post by Motley on Jan 17, 2004 7:17:14 GMT -5
Hey I'm here!
I'm waiting for everyone else!
Post by ringmasterrob on Jan 17, 2004 11:08:59 GMT -5
I am not attempting to have a go with this but a lot of you guys seem to have a habit of posting on old and 'dead' plot threads that are no longer relevant. I am not attempting to take the board over with my explosion topic but it would be nice if people could actually read the topic, ALL the classrooms have now caught fire but people are still posting things in them. All I ask is you read my topic and other current threads before posting on an old thread which has long past its sell-by-date. Thanks in advance, Ringmasterrob ;D
Post by Kulaemii on Jan 23, 2004 12:57:49 GMT -5
Apologies for not being around but atm I just oversee
Post by PhoenixFlame on Jan 23, 2004 13:12:02 GMT -5
'Tis fine! ;D
Post by Callimpsest on Jan 26, 2004 11:31:15 GMT -5
I apologise if I haven't been around enough. I've been very busy lately with coursework. Callimpsest was only ever intended to be a part-time character, though. Still, if the library and its books are needed as part of a new storyline, I will involve myself accordingly.
Post by ringmasterrob on Jan 27, 2004 3:07:44 GMT -5
All that is needed is a few people to have a bit more of a go at putting out this fire, we did have some good ideas going but everyone stopped posting on it.
Official jester and entertainer! Learning the art of magic!
Posts: 71
Post by Motley on Jan 27, 2004 7:01:15 GMT -5
Right on ringmasterrob...
Where's the sand bucket or even water, I haven't learnt how to use WATER or EXTINGUISH spells yet...